The Odd History of the First Erotic Computer Game

„Released in 1981, Softporn was controversial, cheesy, and earnest to a fault“, says the article in The Atlantic of the first erotic computer game. Programmed and written by Chuck Benton, a nerd, as  his way of learning how to program games, the more interesting fact is, that the game was discovered and properly distributed by Ken Williams and Roberta Williams with their company On-Line Systems. The company was later renamed Sierra Online and had far more success with their King’s Quest games and other narrative game genres. Yes, and Roberta Williams – on the right in the hot tub – turned out to be one of the most famous game designers of the 1980s creating the whole King’s Quest series.
As an erotic episode, Softporn would leave much to the imagination. Softporn was a text-based adventure game, meaning it had no graphics. Upon booting the floppy disk, the player was given control of a “puppet,” a human male through which the player executes textual commands.
Read the article in The Atlantic – and don’t forget to browse through the comments further down the page.

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