The Latest in Geocast Games (Talk & Demo) – ETH Hauptgebäude, Montag 13.00-14.00

Disney Tech Talk
Speaker: Robert J. Hall, AT&T Labs Research
Title: The Latest in Geocast Games
Date: Monday, 27 June 2011
Time: 13:00 – 14:00, followed by demo
Place: ETH Room HG F 33.5
Geocast Games meld vigorous outdoor activity with the imaginative and strategic play typically found in video games. This is enabled by location aware applications running on carried or worn smartphones in outdoor multiplayer settings. Our goal is to promote healthy play by getting gamers off of their sofas and running around outdoors. In this talk I introduce the GeoGames Architecture, including the Scalable Ad Hoc Geocast Protocol that enables field communications even in natural settings away from infrastructure networks. I then describe the five Geocast Games implemented on my iPhone prototype, and overview the research and engineering challenges remaining to be solved. If there is time and interest, I hope also to organize an outdoor demo where attendees can play the games.
For more information:

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